About Us
Putra Dalem was established since 11 October 2003.
In general, it is aimed at developing tourism in Bali particularly on transportation enterprise that officially located in Bali at Jalan Hayam Wuruk No. 82, Denpasar 80235, Bali, Indonesia.
We provide new vehicles with experienced drivers and clean vehicles that certainly offered at affordable prices to assure you are very comfortable in visiting interesting tourism objects during your stay in Bali.
The client satisfaction is our prime concern; therefore we definitely do our best to serve our clients.
The main asset activities: unit activity of vehicle enterprise that serves tourism transportation service to Travel Agency. Putra Dalem always innovates the products and services of tourism transportations that meet the requirements of travel agent and individual clients that change and develop dynamically.
Activities that based on management/coordinator fee: as the competition getting more tightly, the current owned vehicles is considered to be insufficient, therefore the company is introducing other program that generate income by applying management/coordinator fee.
The extremely tight competition in tourism transportation sector does not only encourage Putra Dalem creating effective and efficient marketing strategies, but also persuades Putra Dalem developing products and services of tourism transportation as the main service. Travel agent and individual clients are most important factors in supporting the success of our business. Consequently, Putra Dalem keeps trying to improve the tourism transportation service by serving prime and qualified service to rise up the service quality of Putra Dalem better than other competitors.
The growth of tourism will increase in the future and Putra Dalem is aware that the competition is getting more and more competitive. Therefore, a number of strategies have been applied to maintain and improve the quality of our works and services including:
1. Improving the quality of the vehicles
2. Applying efficiency in any sectors
3. Offering competitive prices
4. Applying most appropriate promotions